Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Great Names for a Great Game

I'm playing a week of away games in Philly this week, so posting my be light from me, apologies.

Choosing a name for your child is obviously a very emotional and important project. Many names seem to indicate future proclivity or vocational options, and that's something you don't want to ignore.

There are names, good names, bad names, funny names, creative names, and the most important category of all: Great Baseball Names. Here are some of my favorites. Add yours to the comments, and tell me what you think makes a Great Baseball Name. Mine will feature, of course, Boston players primarily, but feel free to branch out.
If you really feel ambitious, put together a starting lineup (and multiple pitchers) with players from any era based entirely on the Greatness of their name. We'll work towards a single All-Star-Names lineup.

Keep in mind that this is for Proper Names (or thereabouts) only. We'll do Great Baseball Nicknames later.

(no particular order, more to come later)
Wade Boggs 3B
Trot Nixon RF
Chase Utley 2B
Nomar Garciaparra SS (This may only be a GBN in Boston, where its NO-MAAAAH!)
Mo Vaughn 1B
Tris Speaker CF
Jackie Robinson 2B
Pee Wee Reese, SS

Whitey Ford
Cy Young

Bonus Question: Is Bo Jackson a better baseball name or a football name?


Tuan said...

Scott Tyler
Tyler Lanier Walker
Tyler Kali Yates
Tyler Johnson
Tyler Bean
Tyler Pelland
Ty Cobb

You get the point.

Anonymous said...


Josh said...

Ahem, it's actually Denton True "Cy" Young.

Other names that I'll never get my wife to approve of?

Marty Barrett Edwards
Oil Can Boyd Edwards
Carlton Fisk Edwards
<strike>Kason Gabbard Edwards</strike>
Eric Gagné Edwards
Dave Henderson Edwards
Doug Mientkiewicz Edwards
Kevin Millar Edwards
Trot Nixon Edwards
Hideki Okajima Edwards

and of course

Tim Wakefield Edwards

Josh said...

Oops - almost forgot

Cla Meredith Edwards

luke said...

Good point on the names, also Christopher Trotman "Trot" Nixon. I was distinguishing between nicknames that replace a whole name, like the Big Unit, Big Hurt, Big Papi, ARod, KRod, Rod Roddy, etc, but I stand corrected.

Josh: If you name your kid Tim Wakefield Edwards I promise that neither you nor he will ever have to buy a drink in a town where I live ever again.

Tuan: Not participating with your personal best. See me after class.

Anonymous said...

Jay Payton...

wait, WHO?????

Tuan said...

By the way, Bo knows football.

and for the record,
future Hall of Famer
Tyler Hoa Nguyen
is a great baseball name.

Anonymous said...

Bucky f'ing Dent

(someone had to mention him....)

Josh said...

Bill Buckner Edwards?

(And with that both my maternal grandfather and my paternal grandmother both rolled over in their graves ...)

Josh said...

Yeah, I'd say not likely that there'll be a "Tim Wakefield Edwards". Ever.

Maybe if he passes Roger Clemens and Cy Young in number of wins in a Red Sox uniform (only forty left to go!)

And we're at Fenway for his 193th win.

And we actually have the baby there.

And Wakefield delivers him.

But even then it's a long shot.

So hey, did Mirabelli totally get replaced by this Cash dude or what?

luke said...

Not officially, Josh. But it sure feels that way. Under 30, right? Catches a knuckler? And what percentage of his weight would he have to hit to make this a statistical upgrade?

I'm no Belli-hater, but its hard not to notice the writing on the wall, someone is going to replace him.

Josh said...

Yeah. But still, May 1, 2006 when the Sox reacquired Mirabelli and rushed him to Fenway for the first Yankee game of the season ... well, that's a Red Sox memory I won't long forget.

And I watched that game at the best coffee shop in Raymond, ME, too.

How about a moment of silence for a dead monkey ...