Tuesday, August 14, 2007

More parenting, less Sox

For just one post, I swear....

Tyler is now 6 months and one week old and on the verge of 1) crawling 2) getting teeth 3) talking (Mamamamama) and 4) developing stranger anxiety (sorry, Auntie Amanda). Additionally, he has begun his 6 month growth spurt and has tried some tasty solid food. I love watching him grow. It is so amazing and rewarding. It's also scary as hell.

I still don't see why so many private things become everyone's business when you have kids Okay, so, here are list of random comments we have received since being parents. Some from strangers, others from friends, family and / or coworkers. . I have added some of my internal responses. Names are left out to protect the foolish.

"Are you going to keep the dogs when the baby arrives?" Nope. And when we have another baby, we'll probably get rid of Tyler... We're easily bored by things.

"He should be sleeping through the night by now. Better Just let him cry, it only takes three nights and then you'll get some sleep" right, because i'd totally rather get a few extra hours of sleep in my life in exchange for my son developing abandonment issues.

"If you hold him all the time he's going to be a spoiled brat" or, a well adjusted, kind boy. whatever.... same thing.

"He's pretty big, we don't want him to get over weight. You should start stretching out his feedings" (this one was from our old pedi. we fired him).

"He's big, you really need to give him some cereal, there's no way you will be able to keep him fed." huh? how the hell do you think he got this big. I make milk, what's your superpower?


"I hope you don't wash the diapers in your washing machine, that's gross" You smell funny and have no friends.


luke said...

Awesome. You've had some real winners. Parenting stuff is fair game here.

Bridggymama said...

HA HA HA, how are you keeping up? That's awesome, people aren't always that bright. Besides baby pudge rocks. And people who say their kids were sleeping through the night "by now" are just forgetful-like every night? 8 hours? really? ALWAYS in is own bed? My favorite stranger comment, as Lily is zonked out in the sling sleeping- "Do you think she's comfortable in there?" no, she's so uncomfortable she's happily sleeping...

Tuan said...

I have enjoyed comments like:
"Oh daddy gets the kid today huh?
And everyday jerkface.
Or "How'd you get stuck carrying the baby and pushing the cart?"
Ummmmmm cause I am doing the grocery shopping.
And the all time winner "Oh he has a little flat spot on his head"
HOLY CRAP thanks for noticing I would never have seen the back of his head without your help!!!

luke said...

If I operate under the assumption that I don't care what those people say then I'm free to respond with "Oh flat spot? Thats just from where I drop him. He always lands on that same spot, weird, huh?"

Dan said...

Wait- wasn't I the one who commented about washing the diapers?

I still think the safest bet is to throw them in a big pile on the lawn and burn them. That way you never have to come near poop and it might make mowing the lawn less essential, too.

Anonymous said...

Nope, Dan, that one belongs to a person at my work... he actually asked if when Tyle rgot "real poop" if we were going to buy a new washer... /rool my eyes/