Saturday, October 6, 2007

Manny vote

Our beloved Manny Ramirez hit a fabulous homerun last night to bring us a 9th inning post season win. He watched his beautiful hit soar out of the park with hands in the air, THEN, he ran the bases.

vote for your feelings on this:

1. a thing of such beauty should be watched soar out of the park, I thought his reaction was fabulous and appropriate

2. he's a showboat, it was bad form (and he might get beaned at his next at bat)

3. it was hilarious but he's going to get beaned in his next at bat

4. its manny being manny and is acceptable behavior for him, and maybe papi but no one else

5. any combo of 1-4 (tell us which 2 or 3 you pick)

looking forward to your votes in the comment section

1 comment:

Tuan said...

its against the law to pick on Manny. He can watch the ball go out if he keeps hitting them out. The funny "Manny being Manny" moment will be when he stops to admire his hit and it doesn't go out.